Conference Information
□ Full program New!!
□ Program at a glance New!!
■Oral Presentations New!!09/25
□Poster Presentations New!!
■ Keynote Address
□ Accommodation
■ Location
East Asian Sport Sociology Forum –
Local, Region and the Globe
東アジアスポーツ社会学フォーラム -
동아시아 스포츠 사회학 포럼 –
東亞運動社會學論壇 – 在地、區域、全球
From October 19 to 20, 2024, the Inaugural East Asia Sport Sociology Forum will hold its meeting at the National Taiwan Sport University (NTSU) in Taoyuan, Taiwan. The local Organizing Committee – Taiwan Society of Sport Sociology (TSSS) and NTSU – is honored to organize this event with the theme “Local, Region, and the Globe.”
The main goal of the conference is to gather the East Asian community of sport sociologists to discuss the key issues and debates surrounding the roles and challenges of sport in the context of a layered global society. Micro, meso, and macro dynamics are intertwined surrounding sport and physical activities. The forum will allow common interests linked to this theme to emerge, provide networking opportunities to develop collaborative research projects, and contribute to the extension of international scientific knowledge in human and social sciences related to sport.
Local, Region, and the Globe
Japan, Korea, and Taiwan have each established yet promising associations for sport sociology, along with other cognate discipline-based societies. All three countries are shaped not only by common historic events but also by shared democratic values, vibrant civil societies, advanced technology industries, exciting yet problematic sport cultures and practices, and potential challenges such as an alarmingly low birth rate and the struggles between (post)modern and traditional values. Sport sociology is a crucial tool for us to shoulder the responsibility when confronting and addressing the challenges we face in sport. In the past, we were either heavily guided by the Western-centered perspective or remained content within our respective comfort zones. In the post-pandemic East Asia, amid tense geopolitics in the region and emerging perspectives on exercise and individual bodies, it is a crucial time for sport sociologists to step up and interact with each other more frequently. There is no doubt that potentially high-quality contributions already exist, and many more collaborative works will emerge if a network is established among East Asian sport sociologists. Equally relevant is the ongoing discussion about globalization and the influence of the Global North on East Asia, the structure upon the agency, and vice versa in sport. Japan, Korea, and Taiwan find us at the intersection of these tensions and complexities. In addition to the main theme, the forum will feature a diverse range of sessions, providing scholars, including postgraduate students, with the opportunity to share their latest research.
Abstracts of a maximum of 300 words can be submitted in English for either an oral or a poster presentation. Being the first of its kind, this forum encourages participants to interact with scholars from other countries in any possible form. While English is the “official” language of the forum, proficiency is not the sole determinant of research or presentation quality. Scholars are especially encouraged to form panels composed of different nationalities and diverse backgrounds.
Important Dates